Which of the following is used to download windows updates using the network’s idle bandwidth? free

Which of the following is used to download windows updates using the network’s idle bandwidth? free

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Which of the following is used to download windows updates using the network’s idle bandwidth? free.BITS always running in background.


Windows 10 has the ability to use your own internet connection in order to seed it's own updates, which allows Windows 10 users to download their updates much faster than was possible with previous operating systems. This functionality does come with it's own drawbacks as it means that your OS will be automatically using your internet connection to do this, potentially making your internet seem slower. As others may have thought already this option also allows other computers to connect to your Windows 10 based PC without your knowledge to download updates, which may be a concerning to many of you.

Thankfully this option can be disabled, allowing users to prevent others from connecting to your Windows 10 PC and preventing Microsoft from using your limited bandwidth. Here is how to do it. First users will need to enter the Windows 10 start menu and enter into Windows 10's settings menu. From here users will be able to enter into Windows 10's Update and Security menu, where you will be able to change your system's update settings.

Inside the Update and Security menu you need to look into the advanced options, where you will then be able to change Windows 10's automatic update settings. Inside the advanced options menu you will then need to choose how updates are applied, here you finally be able to disable the seeding of Windows updates. Within this menu you can allow Microsoft to either distribute updates only to PCs on your local network, to all Windows 10 PCs on the Internet or to completely turn off this functionality entirely.

We recommend that you turn off this option entirely to prevent any unnecessary use of your bandwidth on your Windows 10 based systems. To turn it off simply click on the option inside the red box in the picture below. If it says off beside it it is now turned off, pretty simple really. Now that you have turned off Microsoft's update seeding option you should now be able to use the full strength of your internet connection and Microsoft will no longer be using your bandwidth for update seeding.

This change should help your PC maintain a steadier connection to the internet, which will be helpful while gaming online, steaming to or from Twitch or YouTube and generally speed up your internet connection. We show you how to disable Winodws 10 Update seeding function. Take Back your Bandwidth! Subscribing to the OC3D newsletter will keep you up-to-date on the latest technology reviews, competitions and goings-on at Overclock3D.

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RSS Newsletter Join. How to prevent Windows 10 from using your Bandwidth How to prevent Windows 10 from using your Bandwidth to seed updates. I'm thinking less and less of What are they doing besides my head in?? Tbh the option is there to only use local network and if irc that is the default setting Quote.

Well, if you're looking to save your Internet connection bandwidth or data usage then you SHOULD enable it - but only for local machines. In this mode it's essentially a domain-free Windows Server Update Service: your PC will download the updates when possible, then seed those updates to other machines on your network, this will use slightly more local bandwidth of which most people will have a Gigabit and less Internet bandwidth which most people will have only around 20Mbps of bandwidth for.

If you disable the whole local seed update system, all machines will then use the Internet Connection ONLY for their updates; if you have 5 systems in your house, that's 5x more bandwidth and 5x more data used. Think smart on this one, it's a brilliant piece of tech. Originally Posted by Greenback. Tbh the option is there to only use local network and if irc that is the default setting.

I agree that turning off the seeding to external clients is a good idea and will save a small amount of bandwidth. However turning off internal seeding will increase the amount of bandwidth you use as you will have to download it for every client.

As far as i know the default setting is off external and on internally and this is how you should leave it. Name Email. Originally Posted by Greenback Tbh the option is there to only use local network and if irc that is the default setting.



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